This Thursday, I am reminded about the little girl in the picture. My hair used to be that color and that long. I had bangs and wore gold earrings, supposedly because I was allergic to silver. For this #BehindTheScenes Thursday. I am going to discuss that...and what I do for fun.
People initially look at me and see a plus sized woman. No joke, I am wide. Tales From a Kitchen Witch, a Facebook page I follow, calls it F A T. While I relate, I have to also add that I cannot help my shape. Many people cannot. Don't take that into account for anything.
I love moving around. I am a HUGE walker and love nothing more than to take a stroll around my neighborhood. I am alone and on my headphones or with my family. Since I was a child, I also hiked. The woods anywhere are the best places to be. Feeling nature around you, no matter the season, is refreshing and resets me.
Indoor activities away from the house are anything local. Sometimes, we travel and visit family and new places. Growing up, I was bought to museums, theaters, and more, and it was not just my parents who took me out. I went to Catholic school. Often, we had field trips.
Family took me out, when they could. It was not often, usually for birthdays and holidays. Sometimes, we went to the bookstore to spend our gift cards. Malls were a big thing too! I remember nail saloons and milkshakes at Shady Glen's. Those are the happiest of memories.
There are too many people to thank for bringing me joy and compassion when I had none at home. It shaped me in other ways that I did not understand until I became a parent myself. It also made me more away of what is going on in my community, the cost of keeping a city safe, and the simple happiness in seeing my son having a great time. I am simple amazed.
Life is full of adventures. It does not have to be extraordinary. You can pick someplace local and find out its secrets - history and hidden facts. Walking downtown New Britain always gives me that feel. There is always something new to discover. Take another bus and you can discover the next town...
Home might be boring. It might have your family. I will never argue running away from abuse. I will argue with you about your little town being boring. Even the worst small rural towns have the most interesting facts behind them. Trust me, I lived in a few.
The world is wide. There is so much to learn. That, in and of itself, is fun enough.