Ok. It's not always going that way. But it's getting there! I am very excited about some new developments.
There isn't much going. But I have done a few things. Very quickly, I'd like to add some news. I think I might have said some of it already. It doesn't hurt to repeat, though.
1.) A World So Bright and Dark has been submitted for an audio book through AXC! I am waiting for a response back. They will let me know who they picked, auditions and such. I cannot wait for the results!
2.) I am still waiting on a response from Amazon to link the Kindle and paperback editions together. It should have taken 24 hours, but no answer has been emailed back to me. I'll update that when I get there.
3.) Barnes and Noble still has not published the paperback edition of A World So Bright and Dark. It's been over 72 hours since submission. More on that later.
4.) The Barnes and Noble sale is on for the Nook edition for A World So Bright and Dark! It starts on November 29 and ends on December 24. You can get 25% off a copy for the Nook.
5.) The next book isn't set for release yet, but a premise has been established. Wheels of Fortune will follow the Salem Witch Trials. Danvers has been my favorite place to check out.
Spread the word, if you can. Support your small businesses this time of year especially. And of course, have a great day!