And so, without further ado, I present the countdown.
One more week.
On February 2, Klenard will be unlocked, and "Casting Shadows" will be released.
I will update all links on the website when the time comes. I will also set the next book in the series, "The Circle is Broken" on pre-order once Amazon allows me to. The second book will continue this story and be released on August 15, 2022. The remaining books will touch on the initial characters, bring in some new ones, and conclude the saga of Klenard and Tommel...for the moment.
Ideas come to mine, but I will tell you all later.
Right now, I am setting the release of the third book, "Through the Meadow", for December 15, 2023. More details about it and the next two books will be released then. I will not say anything about them other than new characters, new plots and more...
With COVID, I will stick with digital live feeds until a safe time comes and we can be together in the same room. I will have one on February 2, 5 PM EST. For the time being, it will be on my Facebook page. I have not been able to send it to Twitter or Instagram yet. Stay tuned for that!
It's been a long journey, from one book to the other. I cannot begin to thank you all for your support. I hope you enjoy "Casting Shadows" as much as I adored writing it for you.