Well, I realized that I did not add much to the announcements on my social media yesterday.
For the moment, Howard's Bookstore will no longer consign my books. I have not decided if I will replace them after Through the Meadow is published. You can only buy my books on Amazon. THAT IS THE BESY WAY to get my books and the ONLY WAY to get them. Reviews are, again, appreciated! I am on Goodreads too. I will add that to my social media links in a bit.
Yes, I am going to be one of the many authors for the Indie Author Event at the Norwalk Public Library. I will be there tomorrow, first thing in the morning. I do not know how long I am staying, but at least until the library closes. Please check it out! There will be many more other than me!!!!!
And finally, Through the Meadow, the child I've been growing. The date of release is December 8, a year after The Circle is Broken. All I can say is, my father-in-law will have this book in his hands before his birthday this year (December 16)...and it will be in your hands before the holidays too. Stay tuned! The Klenard Saga continues!
Namaste, everyone! Love you!