I am not talking about the snowstorm either. I do not want to venture past my yard until at least tomorrow or Wednesday. I am talking about social media! Did you know that I am on several platforms?
On this site, all of the links are on the top and bottom of every page.
Each one will take you to my page on that platform. To be honest, I might add another. I am working on my LinkedIn page, to focus more on CT Authors Partnership. I will keep you all updated!
Yes, I know it is January. Happy New Year, everyone! In my misery, I missed it (as well as many things). I will get to that later. "Behind the Scenes" and Trivia will also return. It might take me longer because more of my resources are from the new book. Not to mention, the heaviness of processing emotions.
Namaste, everyone! Have a great day!
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